Annual STEM Day!


Come join us
Sunday, October 22
for a fun filled afternoon of exploring science and hands-on activities.

12:00 noon – 4:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome, but activities are geared towards 2nd-6th grade.
(Please plan to participate in the activities with your child)

Class DOJO

Many students are now in Class Dojo again for the year. We will use this in class to share projects and earn rewards for following our class norms as well as doing activities periodically throughout the year. Here is a tutorial to show you how to use your parent code to help your child get into DOJO at home:

The Engineering Process

All students will be using the engineering process. It will look slightly different in primary, secondary and middle school. In middle school they will move through the process in depth and with self selected projects. In secondary, they will move through each section for a week at a time as they rotate through specials. In primary, they will touch on the ideas behind the process as they explore.

Live in the Lab

Some classes will be returning to the lab. That means we will have to relearn some lab expectations and procedures for COVID. Let’s start by learning how to have our whole group lesson at your own personal stations:


Hopefully, this is the start to seeing everyone back soon!!

Welcome Back Slavens!

welcome                     rocketscience from home
Click on me to go to our Virtual Classroom

Even though the start of this year is different, I know we will have some STEM fun! Maybe not building a real rocket in your living room, but creating and exploring together for sure!

We will still use this space to find the fun sites and resources on-line, so bookmark it on your Chromebook. Click here to watch how.

Summer Fun!

summer fun

Don’t forget STEM is everywhere in our world!! You don’t have to stop exploring Science, Technology, Engineering and Math over the summer. Check out some of the fun activities and links to have some SUMMER FUN!!

color changing flower          density tower          color density towers w_explanation

nonnewtonian liquid




Keep the TECHNOLOGY in your summer and still get out and see things:

  • Have your child go on a scavenger hunt with your camera phone.

They can take picture of things that are green, things that are round, shiny things or even their favorite things in your house or outside.  Be creative and then let them share their photos.

  • Have them write grocery or to do lists for you on your phone or tablet.

Have them be in charge of crossing off the items as you shop or complete them.

  • Create drawings on the computer about activities they do.

Use a drawing website like ABCya Storymaker to draw and write about places you go or activities you do throughout the summer.

    • Have them research things they see around them.

    Use the internet to search for information about things they discover throughout the summer.  This could be something as simple as learning about a plant or flower. Then create a presentation using Google slides, Powerpoint or

  • Use google Maps to look at your neighborhood and plan a bike or walking route for the day.

Ending our 19-20 STEM year!

thank you

I wanted to stop and thank everyone at Slavens for making my first year with you nothing short of fabulous! It has been wonderful starting to get know everyone this year and I look forward to continuing that path. As we close this year and see the incredible projects and at home learning you have continued, I am humbled and impressed by the strong work ethic and sense of community found at Slavens. 


Some last minute reminders below for STEM:

  • Don’t hesitate to contact me with questions about activities or expectations if you are unsure. I would love to hear from you!!
  • Due Dates and expectations for work to be graded: 
    • Middle School-
      • Tuesday, May 27th
      • 3 remote learning assignments for A
      • 1-2 remote learning assignments for pass
    • 4th and 5th-
      • Tuesday, May 27th
      • 1 completed remote learning assignment for comment on grade card of remote learning work
      • 2 completed remote learning assignments for comment on grade card of exemplary work
    • 1st-3rd
      • 1 contact with Ms. Grierson for comment on grade card of remote learning work

School Grading Policy:

  • Grades 1-3: Grades and comments for students that have done remote learning activities or shared STEM activities since April 7th. No grade or comments for students that have not participated in our remote learning.
  • Grades 4 & 5: Grades and comments for students that have turned in Google classroom assignments.
  • Middle School:
    1. If you turn in the assignments, I am giving full credit and you will have an A.
    2. If you do not turn in an assignment, you will receive NO CREDIT for the course.
    3. If you turn in some of the assignments, but not all, you will receive a PASS, but no grade.